mTurk is paying off, at least a little bit.
I did some mTurk tasks, called "HITs", but only made about $2.40/hr at best. Consider that this is independant contractor work, and I'll have to pay employment tax on top of income tax and it doesn't leave much for me.
That being said, I'm going to continue because I read that once you have 1k or 5k HITs, better opportunites open up. I hope to get to where I can make $100/day and still have time to blog.
Keep an eye on My MTurk Experience to see how it goes.
My daughter started using SwagBucks. I won't link to them yet, because I have not vetted them yet to know if they are legit. One of the ways you can accept "rewards" from them is by Wal-Mart gift card. Since they can be used for Groceries, Gas, Household items and just about everything else, that makes them almost cash to me. I just don't know what kind of $/hr to expect there. I will, of course, post our experiences here.
5 years ago
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